Bigg Boss 4 Telugu Contestants List: Bigg Boss is an entertaining reality show in Telugu. Nagarjuna Akkineni is the host of the reality show, for the fourth season as well. The show organizers already released a promo regarding the show. Most likely, the show will kick-start on the 29th or 30th of this month. There is a lot of buzz regarding the contestants, taking part in the TV show. We hear that a total of 16 contestants will take part in the show this time.
The show organizers zeroed in 30 members and they will pick 16 members from the list. Like the last season, the show organizers are planning to have couples as contestants this time as well. The buzz is that singer Pranavi and her husband Raghu who is a choreographer might be taking part in the show this time. Jahnvi Dasetty, who is a popular Youtuber might also take part in the show along with her husband Sushant. Dancer Mehboob Dilse and web series actor Sohail Ryan are also in consideration for the show.
HMTV news anchor Sujatha is also in talks for the show. Youtube channel interviewer Ariyana Glory who recently made comments on RGV might also take part in the show. Female character artist Karate Kalyani is also in talks for the show. Actor Nandoo, the husband of singer Geetha Madhuri is another celebrity in consideration. Apart from them, singer Noel Sean, anchor Prashanthi, and Jabardasth artists Ram Prasad and Avinash are in talks for the show. The show takes place for 100 days. Whoever made it to the final list will enter the Bigg Boss house, only after completing the 14 day quarantine period.
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