A PIL has been moved in Delhi High Court against the release of a Bollywood movie

 A PIL has been moved in Delhi High Court against the release of a Bollywood movie based on the aftermath of the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, including the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

The petition has contended that going by the trailers, posters and banners of the film -- 31st October, it is against the ideology of the “oldest political party of the country”. Gandhi was assassinated on October 31, 1984.

It alleges that there were various scenes in the movie, starring Soha Ali Khan and Vir Das in the lead, “aimed and targeted against a political figure of the country” who has not been named in the plea.

The petitioner, Ajay Katara, has claimed that the film’s producer, Magical Dreams Production Pvt Ltd, has used a look-alike of the unnamed political figure who has been “painted in a bad light”.

Katara contends in his plea that the film has targeted a particular person to invite hate and contempt against him and has thereby transgressed the right of expression.

Apart from seeking to stop the release of the movie which was scheduled to hit theatres on October 7, the petition also wants deletion of some “offensive scenes”.

