Airlift 3rd weekend Collections: Akshay and Nimrat starrer Airlift movie has crossed Rs 100 crore mark in just 10 days of its release. The total box office collections of the movie have now crossed Rs 120.70 Cr. The movie has managed to make Rs 19 crore in its second weekend. It becomes the first movie to enter the Rs 100-crore club in this year. The Film is clashing with Saala Khadoos and Sunny deol’s Ghayal Once Again at the box office, But this Movie has got a good response from the viewers which made easy to compete with other released movies on the 3rd weekend at the box office.
Airlift Movie Was released worldwide on 22nd January 2016 and The Film was made with a budget of Rs. 30 crores (US$4.4 million). The marketing of the movie played an important role in the film’s promotion and collaborated with the flight company Air India. It becomes the first movie to enter the Rs 100-crore club in 2016. The Film is clashing with Saala Khadoos and Sunny deol’s Ghayal Once Again at the box office.
Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar once again with his power packed performance has been successful in impressing the Viewers and audience. The Film has done better than the newly released movies – like Saala Khadoos and Ghayal Once Again. Airlift box office collections during the opening weekend (Fri, Sat and Sun) were as high as Rs. 67.15 crore gross. The Movie entered the Rs 100 crore club with its gross income in India as well as the worldwide box office. Airlift 3rd Weekend Collections are Fri – Rs 2.03 Cr, Sat – Rs. 3.04Cr, Sun – Rs. 3.34Cr and the total Box Office collections are Rs. 120.70 Cr in india.
Film Trade analyst Taran Adarsh Also Shared Airlift 3rd Weekend Collections On his Twitter Account. “He Tweeted: Airlift [Week 3] Fri 2.03 cr, Sat 3.04 cr, Sun 3.34 cr. Total: 120.70 cr. India biz.”
For the first time, The Film director Raja Krishna Menon, made 100 crore club genre and it has good commercial elements. The film is about a heroic story of a man Ranjit Katyal (played by Akshay Kumar), a wealthy and powerful Indian businessman who had always seen himself as a Kuwaiti rather than an Indian. But, he happens to be the man who helps in rescuing all 1,70,000 Indians when Iraq attacks Kuwait.
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