The Bollywood actress Tisca Chopra to makes her Tollywood debut with the Telugu movie “Bruce Lee” co-starring the Southern superstar Ram Charan and the beautiful actress Rakul Preet Singh. The audio of the movie is all set to launch on 27th September 2015. The actress started her career with Bollywood movie “Platform” opposite Ajay Devgn and afterward she seen in so many Hindi movies in “Dil To Bachcha Hain Jee”, “Rahasaya”, “Tare Zameen Par”. For “Tare Zameen Par” she won huge critical accolades.
Now she is ready to show her charm in Tollywood movie and she is making debut with the much talked Telugu movie “Bruce Lee”. In the movie “Bruce Lee” the leading man Ram Charan’s real life father the megastar Cheeranjeevi is also doing a perfect cameo appearance.
So might Tisca Chopra will share screen space with the megastar, till now she appeared in 29 movies and now gearing up for the release of her the forthcoming Hindi movie ‘Ghayal Once Again’.
She also successfully grabs the Stardust Award for Best Supporting Actress. As per report published in IANS, the film unit told to it, “Tisca plays a rich, powerful and independent woman in the film. It was director Srinu Vaitla, who has followed Tisca’s work closely, decided to cast her as he felt she was apt for the role”.
The “Magdheera” actor Ram Charan is playing a different role in the movie which is of a fighter and he also sports a tattoo of legendary martial arts artist and actor Bruce Lee. Somehow you can say the film is giving tribute to the legendary fighter “Bruce Lee” and title is also the same.
The film is scheduled to release on 16th October 2015, also starring Arun Vijay and Sampath Raj among other in important roles. Srinu Vaitla is directing the movie.
However, “Bruce Lee”, is not Tisca’s first southern outing as she has already worked in two Malayalam films and received huge acclaimed.
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