Telugu drama ‘Srimanthudu’ starring Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan has opened to an overwhelming response by the fans. The movie, which released today (August 6), has created a lot of buzz, which might as well make this film another one to make it to Rs. 100 cr club soon.
The movie has opened to packed theatres. Directed by Koratala Siva, ‘Srimanthudu’ features Mahesh babu and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles. Rajendra Prasad, Sampath Raj, Jagapati Babu, Sukanya, Brahmanandam and Harish Uthaman appear in supporting roles in the film. The audience has been showering words of appreciation on the lead couple of the film. Enthralled by the response, Mahesh Babu tweeted:
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