GV Prakash Kumar has reportedly paired up with 'Ekk Deewana Tha' actress Amy Jackson for the upcoming Tamil film 'Ketta Payada Indha Karthi'. "This is the first time Prakash and Amy are coming together. The film has been titled 'Ketta Payada Indha Karthi', and is set to go on floors soon," said a source. The film, which will mark Prakash's fourth outing as an actor, will be directed by debutant directors Guna and Shankar.
National Award-winning filmmaker Vetrimaaran has penned the story, while dialogues will be written by director Atlee. Nandagopal will be producing the film, which is said to be inspired by real events.
National Award-winning filmmaker Vetrimaaran has penned the story, while dialogues will be written by director Atlee. Nandagopal will be producing the film, which is said to be inspired by real events.
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