"Dabangg 2", the sequel to 2010 Bollywood blockbuster "Dabangg" has managed to surpass the opening day collections of the original movie. It amassed Rs.21.10 crore in India on the day of its release - largely because it released across a greater number of sccreens.
The movie, starring Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha, opened across 2,500 screens Friday against 1,800 for the previous one.
The directorial debut of actor-producer Arbaaz Khan, "Dabangg 2" opened to packed houses and managed to rake in Rs. 21.10 crore on the opening day itself.
It is said to one of the highest opening for any non-holiday release in Bollywood till date. "Dabangg 2" surpassed the first day collections of even Akshay Kumar's "Rowdy Rathore", which earned Rs.15 crores. It was a non-holiday release too.
The original "Dabangg" was directed by Abhinav Kashyap, and it had managed to rake in Rs.14.5 crore on its first day, nationally.
The movie, starring Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha, opened across 2,500 screens Friday against 1,800 for the previous one.
The directorial debut of actor-producer Arbaaz Khan, "Dabangg 2" opened to packed houses and managed to rake in Rs. 21.10 crore on the opening day itself.
It is said to one of the highest opening for any non-holiday release in Bollywood till date. "Dabangg 2" surpassed the first day collections of even Akshay Kumar's "Rowdy Rathore", which earned Rs.15 crores. It was a non-holiday release too.
The original "Dabangg" was directed by Abhinav Kashyap, and it had managed to rake in Rs.14.5 crore on its first day, nationally.
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