Movie review: ‘Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning’

Title: 'Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning'
Trailer: A father plots revenge on his family’s killers. Director: John Hyams (1:54).
Film Info: R: Extreme violence, nudity, language. Area theaters.

Anyone who stumbles into “Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning” unprepared is bound to leave shellshocked. Not just because of the movie’s brutal violence, but from the stunning realization that this grim franchise will never stop regenerating itself.

Which is, frankly, too bad, because its stars are capable of doing bigger and better work. And yes, I am talking about Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren.

Van Damme was a comic revelation in 2008’s cleverly self-aware “JCVD.” And Lundgren’s brief appearances here serve as a desperately needed jolt of energy, since everyone around him has aimed for the ultimate in robotic impassivity.

Unfortunately, that includes wooden lead Scott Adkins, playing devastated family man John. After John sees assassin Luc Deveraux (Van Damme) murder his wife and child, he is focused entirely on plotting revenge. But first, he’ll have to get through the army being assembled by Andrew Scott (Lundgren), a soldier so tough that not even his own death can keep him down.

Fans of the series will be gratified to discover that director John Hyams stays true to its spirit — a formula of incomprehensible exposition, awkwardly delivered dialogue and the bloodiest, most testosterone-fueled action sequences we’ve seen since, well, the last “Universal Soldier.”

It’s up to you to decide if his oddly artsy vision, which pulls in first-person perspectives, surreal memories and highbrow cinematic references, suggests interesting ambition or misplaced pretension.

Regardless, it all comes down to the fighting. We know by now that no matter what violent fate they are dealt, these characters will be brought back to life whenever somebody puts up enough money for the next installment. For cloned soldiers and deep-pocketed producers alike, defeat is never an option.

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